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YGS Virtual Piano 2010.05.07

YGS Virtual Piano YGS Virtual Piano 2010.05.07

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YGS Virtual Piano Editor's Review

YGS Virtual Piano lets you live out your secret ambition to be a concert pianist without leaving the comfort of your laptop. Okay, that might be overstating the case; it’s not going to turn you into a piano maestro if you struggle to play anything more sophisticated than Chopsticks. What it will do is enable you to practise scales, compose tunes and otherwise impress your friends. Or, this is a handy substitute to stop you going rusty while you’re away. It’s also handy for tuning up other instruments.

Pro's: So if you’re a budding pianist, but you’re really not sure if you’ll be any good and you don’t want to splash out on lessons or a real piano, then this might be a good stop gap.

Con's: Obviously you don’t get to stash an upright piano in your laptop without some drawbacks. Because the sounds are synthesised, you’ll need to check you’ve got the appropriate MIDI synthesiser before you download this gizmo.

Conclusion: If you want to have fun messing about with piano sounds at home, and you already have the right synthesiser, then go ahead and download it. And if you’re a serious musician who wants a portable alternative to use for composing or tuning up, then this is a great gadget.

YGS Virtual Piano Publisher's Description

"YGS Virtual Piano" is musical instrument on your PC (like piano and left-hand accordion manual) and virtual midi keyboard. It will be useful to the musician in the most various situations (for example to tune musical instrument, to find the key of the heard music, to sound lessons of the musical school, etc.). This program in aggregate with a video...

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What's New in Version 2010.05.07 of YGS Virtual Piano

Since this version you can play on PC keyboard and quickly transpose sound (Quick transposition

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